Thirst for knowledge


Over the past 10 years one thing that has vastly spiked is a crave for information. From the top of the chain to the bottom; everyone wants to be informed. If something is bugging you; then your first instinct is to find out what it was. It is actually a vast improvement that the everyday American has a bigger thirst for knowledge and information. Another craze is a crave to know every single thing the government is doing. Now I am all for keeping the government in check and making sure they are working in the countries best interest, but these socialites and information enthusiasts aren’t making a difference with spreading this info. For hundreds of years government has kept things under wraps and we have only improved over the decades. I am sure some of the reasons that information is kept classified is idiotic, but the critical reasons are probably for the safety of the country. If you’re protest isn’t going to realistically help anything then I would stay quiet; in some sense “ignorance is bliss”.

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