Handling Racism Better

This topic is so in your face everyday; that it is hard to not write something about it. Over the past 5 years we have seen a country filled with diversity and growth turn into the “age of movements”.  We have taken the innocence and freedom of speaking your mind into sensitivity and insecurity. These incidences could be spun to help support the different tragedies that befall the world.

Many countries around the world have racism in a variety of ways and many different levels. Throughout the ages racism has shown its face and harmed the masses violently and verbally. I am not sure about you, but I think we can grow to be a little more thick skinned when it comes to the verbal aspect of it. The use of energy on ranting on Facebook is going nowhere. I was taught to ignore ignorant verbal statements, because they are usually not true, and the person saying it will eventually shut up. The U.S. has fallen into the “age of movements”, where anything said becomes a march, protest, boycott, and/or movement.  In my opinion; the more we make spectacles out of small incidences; the more it will occur.

The world has X number of problems that plague and diminish our way of life. We have to deal with issues like the Flint water crisis, natural disasters, terrorist attacks, and/or diseases. If we put a little more focusing on resolving those crises; then focusing all the media’s attention over not being nominated for an awards show, or a halftime performance …. There so much ranting you can say with that situation; it hurts your brain. If even half those celebrities used that to spin into a positive event to help any of our world problems the outcome would be life changing.

These movements and protests can all be easily spun to help improve the livelihood of these races. One idea that comes to mind is to use a racial shooting or a racial slur to maybe start a fund to start after school activities for kids and/or programs to create a better relationship between the police and our youth. If we teach our youth and even have group settings with officers; we can set a stage to avoid these situations in the future. Everyone wants these slayings to stop happening, but in reality; protesting and yelling on camera is not going to do anything. We as a community should put our energy to smarter use to realistically build a better future for our youth.

The invisible bylaws of being an employee


America has had a need for a steady, routine workforce ever since the industrial revolution hit us. For more than a hundred years we have developed a standard for being part of the workforce and society. Once you are ready to start looking for your big boy or big girl job is when these rules are set in place. One of the first things you start on is your appearance. You have to change who you are and what you look like in order to even get past the interview. Shouldn’t you be judged on your work and not how you look and not your work?
Once the interview process is over there is a whole ordeal that goes on changes your lifestyle. Now with change there is always a compromise percentage and some adjustments that need to be made. The only thing is there are all these rules that you don’t notice you must adhere too to be “professional”.
One of the things I noticed that you must do is wear business professional or business casual clothing in ordered to be employed and professional. Now in my opinion the main thing employers need out of their employees is production. Now don’t you think employees would be a little more efficient if they : didn’t have to spend time ironing clothes and dressing up every day, could wear clothes a bit more casual that they would be more comfortable working in. Does the clothes that are worn change the personality of the employee? Most of these employees are just sitting in cubicles anyway. Why would you cause your employees to conform to a certain conduct that hasn’t really proven to cause efficient work?
Another aspect of hidden bylaws is your personal life. I wonder which someone decided that working 9-5 is the most efficient way of working. There probably is some data and research behind this, but it also hinders peoples sleep, and daily routines. Many countries in Europe and Asia have 2pm breaks for the whole country. The employees in Europe can go home at 2 and nap or have lunch with their families and come back rested for the rest of work. When employees leave work they have a limited amount of time to do things around the house and rest before they have to go back to sleep and get up early to start the next day. When there is a spouse and/or kids involved; the amount of sleep your employee gets decreases even more. You also are judged if you decide to go out during a work day or have a few drinks after work. The work hours cause you to have a 11-12pm bed time and have you looking for to a day with less traffic.
At the end of the day we shouldn’t need conformity and bylaws to be successful in the work force. Restrictions have never been a good thing when you need success and growth. There should be a more comfortable compromise to produce efficiency out of employees and not wear them out year by year.